Four Things You Will Avoid With Proper Estate Planning

Posted on: 9 January 2017

Often a person will put off planning for their death, and there are many reasons for this. But estate planning is not about you; it is about your loved ones. With the proper planning, there are many financial problems that can be avoided after your death. The following are four of them. Your assets will not go to the wrong people Without a will, it is the courts that will decide which people will receive your assets, as well as how much they will receive.
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3 Things You Should Avoid Doing Following A Car Accident To Protect Your Rights

Posted on: 4 January 2017

Getting into a car accident is obviously an unexpected incident. It can leave you feeling disoriented and flustered during the immediate aftermath. But if you want to protect your legal rights to go after the other driver or at least protect yourself from possible prosecution, you'll want to be very careful with your words and actions in the minutes that follow the event. Here are three things you should definitely never do following a car accident.
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3 Methods Of Legally Ending Your Marriage

Posted on: 15 December 2016

Being married to another individual can be challenging at times. There are sure to be some issues along the way, but if you find you're always fighting it may be time for a divorce. Of course, this will depend on the severity of your bickering. However, it's ideal to be prepared for the end of any legal union, and this will require a divorce. Being aware of the different types of divorces you can choose from may be helpful to you in this situation.
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New Driver's Guide To Common Traffic Stop Misconceptions

Posted on: 28 November 2016

As a fairly new driver, it's important that you understand your rights and the legal expectations of traffic stops. There are many misconceptions out there about what is and is not legal when you're pulled over by the police. Here are a few things you should understand about traffic stops and your rights. You Don't Have To Consent To A Search In order for law enforcement officers to search you or your car, they have to have probable cause.
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