Nurse Case Managers: What To Know When One Has Been Assigned To Your Workers' Comp Claim
Posted on:
2 December 2015
What's a Nurse Case Manager (NCM) and why has one suddenly been assigned to your workers' compensation claim? What can you do to limit one from needlessly interfering in your medical care?
Nurse Case Managers Are Assigned To High-Risk Claims
The presence of the NCM on your claim indicates that the insurance company paying your workers' comp claim considers you to be a "high-risk" claim. What that means in plain english is that they're worried about how much money your care is costing.
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Three Ways To Share Parenting Duties Even If You Aren't The Custodial Parent
Posted on:
16 November 2015
Figuring out child custody during a divorce isn't easy, even in an amicable situation. As the noncustodial parent, you will have to deal with not being around your children every day when you get home from work or when they get home from school. Fortunately, there are several ways you can still be a big part of their lives while taking some of the day-to-day work of parenting off of your former spouse.
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What To Expect When You Are Pulled Over For Suspected DUI
Posted on:
28 October 2015
If you are driving and you notice blue flashing lights in your rearview mirror, you may have nothing to worry about. However, if you have been recently drinking, you may need a DUI attorney. Police officers who notice erratic driving may believe that you are inebriated. Here are a few things you can expect if you are pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence:
Field Testing
An officer who suspects you of driving under the influence will generally perform a test to determine whether or not you are drunk.
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Tips For Figuring Out If You're Covered By Workers Comp
Posted on:
13 October 2015
The Federal Government runs a workers' comp program for its employees, but other people are covered under programs administered by their state. The laws vary by state as to which employees need to be covered by this type of insurance. However, there are some general considerations that can help give you a good idea whether you might be able to expect workers' compensation benefits it the case of an injury. Those not covered under workers' compensation laws can sue their employer should an injury occur, while those covered by these laws don't have this option available to them.
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