Double Check These Issues Before Filing Chapter 7

Posted on: 26 January 2022

It's easy to see why some bankruptcy filers can get so excited about filing. After all, months of worry and stress about an ungainly debt load is about to come to an end. However, before you file, you should probably take note of a few issues listed below. It will make your bankruptcy process smoother and less stressful for you. Get Your Assets in Order What you do with things like personal property and bank accounts in the months before you file for chapter 7 matters a lot.
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How To Defend Yourself From A DUI Charge

Posted on: 15 December 2021

Are you being accused of driving under the influence and feel that the charge is unfair? If so, it will help to know some common defenses used for DUI charges. Your Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels Were Inaccurate One way to determine if you are driving under the influence is by measuring your blood alcohol concentration level. However, it takes some time for alcohol to actually absorb into your system after you ingest it since it sits in your stomach before it gets into your bloodstream.
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Preparing For Your Divorce

Posted on: 5 November 2021

Coming to the decision that it is time to end your marriage can be a major choice to make. After you have come to this decision, it is important to ensure that you have professional legal counsel to help you navigate this process and to ensure that your rights are protected. This is particularly important for divorces that may be contentious. Before you meet with your attorney for the first time, it is important to take some steps to help you be prepared to start this legal process.
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Whether You're Buying Or Selling Property, You Need A Lawyer

Posted on: 28 September 2021

It is a known fact that buying a house is probably the most expensive investment you will make in your lifetime. Most of the time, you will likely incur legal and financial consequences if you fail to perform your due diligence before signing property transfer papers. If you are thinking about investing in real estate, your first step should be hiring a real estate lawyer. Here are the reasons you should involve a lawyer in your real estate transactions.
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