Can You Recover Injury Compensation If A Defendant Is Uninsured And Broke?
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1 May 2023
One of the scariest scenarios in personal injury law is that a claimant might have a solid case against a defendant who's both uninsured and broke. There are times when defendants are so destitute that they are functionally claim-proof and judgment-proof. Before you give up on a case, though, you and your personal injury attorney should take a long look at these four possible options for recovering compensation.
Payment Arrangement
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How To Know If It's Worth Your Time To Patent An Invention
Posted on:
24 March 2023
If you intend to enforce a patent, one of the first things you'll need to determine is if your IP can even be patented. Figuring this out will require a deep understanding of patent and trademark law. While you could tackle this yourself, it's better to find out whether you can patent your invention with the help of a patent attorney.
The Patent Search
One of the biggest concerns when filing for a patent is whether or not the invention has already been patented.
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What Chapter 7 Filers Should Know About Adversarial Matters
Posted on:
23 January 2023
Adversarial actions can occur in some chapter 7 bankruptcy cases. While it may not happen to everyone, it's important to understand why they happen and how to prevent them. To find out how such an action could affect your bankruptcy, read on.
The Notification of an Adversarial Action
Once your bankruptcy paperwork is filed by your lawyer, you may receive a letter from your trustee. The bankruptcy trustee presides over your case and keeps you informed of all important actions.
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Disputes That Are Likely To Arise During The Probate Process And How An Attorney Can Help Resolve Them
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23 January 2023
For many, the probate process is fairly smooth, and the beneficiaries get their rightful inheritance soon after the testator passes on. However, others take longer than expected, especially when disagreements arise. This leads to extra expenses and a longer waiting period for the heirs. For example, you may also not see eye to eye with the person responsible for administering your loved one's estate. In such a case, it might be advisable to hire a lawyer to resolve the dispute and help you to get your rightful inheritance.
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