2 Mistakes You Should Never Make Directly After Being Involved In A Car Accident
Posted on:
30 October 2019
Right after being involved in a car accident, a lot of emotions and thoughts may be running through your mind. It can be difficult to think clearly while you try to process what just happened. However, even though your mind may be a jumbled mess, there are a couple of things that you should not do directly after the accident that could hurt your chances of being compensated for any damages and injuries, especially if you were not at fault.
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3 Situations When You May Need A Labor Litigation Service For Help
Posted on:
9 October 2019
Even though most public employers do a good job of being just and fair with their employees, there are always some in the bunch who break federal or state labor laws. Unfortunately, when these laws are broken, it is often the employees who have to pay the price or lose time and money. Some situations may arise that require you to speak to a labor litigation service for help with your circumstances.
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3 Decisions You May Face With Your Criminal Charges
Posted on:
4 September 2019
No matter what type of criminal charges you face, including DUI charges, you will likely be faced with some decisions to make during this time. While you may not have to make all three of these decisions, it is likely you will have to make at least one or two of them, and it is important to discuss all the details with your lawyer before you make any decision in your criminal case.
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What Every Pending Divorcee Should Know If Their Spouse Passes Away During The Divorce
Posted on:
25 July 2019
When it comes to divorce law, much of the basics seems to be widely known and understood. However, there are always those cases that raise new questions or bring about different and unusual situations. For example, what happens if you've filed for divorce, but your spouse passes away before the divorce can be finalized? If you have found yourself in this situation, it is important that you know what you can expect of your divorce proceedings and everything thereafter.
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