Financial Safety Nets For Veterans In Dire Health

Posted on: 21 July 2015

Veterans can leave the military after a lot of physical and mental stress, which can make transitioning to a civilian life difficult. In some cases, the pain and anguish could get in the way of finding a legitimate job or maintaining a job, even if you're the best performer around. If you're feeling your productivity dwindle, don't try to wait it off; explore your options now by considering a few financial safety nets that could secure your future. If you don't need them now, they'll be available if life takes a turn for the worse.

Military-Related Injuries May Result In VA Compensation

If you feel that your condition is a result of military service, the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability program should be your first stop. Out of most compensation systems, the VA disability system has some of the most supportive options for veterans.

In order to receive compensation via VA disability, you must prove that your condition is service related. This means that your condition was caused by events during your military service, or that conditions you had before the military were made worse.

To prove these conditions, there needs to be proof of the problem before leaving military. This can come from any official documentation, including military medical records, verifiable civilian medical reports, or even service record entries showing that you were in a situation that could have caused your condition.

If awarded VA disability, you receive a yearly-adjusted monetary compensation rate depending on the type and severity of your conditions. You will also qualify for health benefits upon receiving disability.

Unlike Social Security's disability system, the VA disability is not affected by whether you're working or making other income. That said, if you're performing a job that shouldn't be possible with your disability, you may suffer reduced compensation or be reported for fraud.

Even if you don't qualify for disability, or if you need to work for an attorney for an appeal, try to take advantage of the health benefits. The eligibility requirements cover many veterans with other-than-dishonorable discharges. Although VA wait times can be quite long, the low cost or free medical assistance can help you work towards other compensation systems.

Social Security For Non-Military Issues

The Social Security Administration's disability program is available for U.S. citizens who are unable to work due to their conditions. The disability program provides both temporary and permanent assistance, but should be explored carefully with a social security attorney.

One of the major issues with the Social Security disability system is that you're not able to work at all without receiving a lower disability payment or losing benefits completely. This is an issue for people with conditions that allow them to work for a short amount of time, but are constantly under the threat of seemingly random medical issues or events that can't be planned for.

It is possible to maintain a career while getting assistance from Social Security, but the paperwork needs to be perfect. Otherwise, a report from a person questioning your disability status could raise a red flag within the system, removing you from the disability program and making appeals difficult.

A Social Security attorney can help you by drafting a claim that thoroughly details your condition, intent and needs. With the right planning, you can work as much as you're able to while having an easier time appealing for continued benefits. Make sure to report your income properly to keep the situation legal.

Contact a social security attorney to weigh your options as a veteran and to create a claim for either system that best fits your specific needs.
